Monday, October 10, 2011


The flag of Cambodia symbolizes the country’s religious dignity and royalty. Two large blue stripes representing royalty, embrace an even larger red stripe which represents the nation. The image of the white temple represents the nation’s religion. Generally speaking, the colors and image on the Cambodian flag personify the country’s slogan: Nation, Religion, King. (ref: Ministry of Tourism)

Official NameKingdom of Cambodia
Flag of Cambodia
Royal arms of Cambodia
"Nation, religion, King"
Anthem: Nokoreach
Surface area:181 035
Capital City:Phnom Penh
Official Language: Khmer
Demonym:Khmer or Cambodian
King:Samdech Preah Norodom Sihamoni
Prime Minister: Samdech Dek Cho Hun Sen
Government:Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary representative democracy
- Upper House
- Lower House
National Assembly
- Male
- Female
13,395,682 (2008)
Density of population:75 per
Population Growth Rate:1.54%
Climatic condition:Tropical and monsoon
National Currency:Riel (R)
Time Zone:GMT + 7 hours


Cambodia has land area of 181 035, in the south-west part of the Indochina peninsula, about 20% of which is used for agriculture. The country's maximum extent is about 580 km (est-west) and 450 km (north-south). It is bounded on the west by Thailand, on the north by Thailand and Laos, on the east by Vietnam and on the south by the Gulf of Thailand. In comparison wit its neighboring countries, Cambodia is administratively divided into 24 provinces and the capital of Phnom Penh. Provinces are further subdivided into 159 districts and 26 municipalities. The capital is divided into 8 khan. Districts are consist of 1417 Khum and 204Sangkat.

Cambodia's climate is hot and warm almost all year round. The climate is dominated by the annual monsoon cycle of rainy and dry seasons. The rainy season lasts from May to October, and the dry season is from November to April. December to January are the cool months while the hottest period is in April. The average temperature is 27 - 28oC.

Khmer is the official language in Cambodia. English is very popular with people for communicating with foreigners in administrative, commercial, diplomatic, economic, industrial , and tourist affairs. The older people educated at their local comprehensive school can speak French clearly. Khmer-English road and street signs are found nationwide.

Cambodia is predominantly Biddhist. Like most other religions, there are many different types of Buddhism, and about 95% of Cambodians belong to the Theavada sect of Buddhists. Religion is an important tradition in Cambodia, and for a very long time, most Cambodian have not been willing to change. In more recent years, many Cambodians, especially the young people have begun to look for more, and many Christian missionatire have been able to enter the country. Christianity as well as many false religions have been growing rapidly in Cambodia.

The Cambodian currency is Riel that can fluctuate a little if it is compared with a dollar. Riel denominations are 100,000; 50,000; 20,000; 10,000; 5,000; 2,000; 1,000; 500; 200; 100; and 50; Banknotes, which are printed in both Khmer and English, increase in size according to value and are in different colors.


Buddhism:The majority of people of Cambodia are followers of Theavada, or Hinayana, Buddhism.Buddhism was introduced to Cambodia between 13th and 14th centuries and was the state religion until 1975. The Theravada school is also called the "southern" school as it took the southern route from India. its place of origin, through South-East Asia - in this case Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos and Cambodia - while the "northern school proceeded north into Nepal, Tibet, China, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and Japan. Because the southern school tried to preserve or limit the Buddhist doctrines to only those canons codified in the early Buddhist era, the northern school gave Theravada Buddhism the name Hinayana, meaning the "Lesser Vehicle". The norther school considered itself Mahayana, the "Grant Vehicle", because it built upon the earlier teachings, "expanding" the doctrine to respond more to the needs of lay people, or so it claimed. Theravada doctrine stresses the three principal aspects of existence: Tukha (suffering, unsatisfactory, disease), Anicha (impermanence, transience of all things) and annatto (no substantiation or no essential of reality, no permanent "soul"). These concepts, when "discovered"by Siddhartha Gautama in the 6th century BC, were in direct contrast to the Hindu belief in eternal, blissful Self, or Paramatman, hence Buddhism was originally a "heresy"against India's Brahmanic religion. Gautama, an Indian price turned ascetic, subjected himself to many years of severe austerities to arrive at this vision of the world and was given the title Buddha, "the Enlightened" or "the Awakened". Gautama Buddha spoke of four noblr truths, which had the power to liberate any human being who could realize them. Between 1975 to 1979 the vast majority of Cambodia's buddhist monks were murdered by the Khmer Rouge and virtually all of the country's more than 3,000 Wats were damaged or destroyed. In the late 1980s Buddhism was again made the state religion. At that time, Cambodia had about 6,000 monks, who by law had to be at least 60 years old. The age requirements have been relaxed and young monks are once again a normal sight, Hinduism, Islam, Caodaism and Christianity are also practices in Cambodia.